QORPO Rewards Explained - How Can You Maximize Your $QORPO Share?
QORPO Rewards Explained - How Can You Maximize Your $QORPO Share?

QORPO Rewards Explained - How Can You Maximize Your $QORPO Share?

Blog By Pavel Soral

May 03, 2024, 5 min

Based on your feedback, we are delighted to share the latest update on the rewards model in our ecosystem. QORPO WORLD brings a bounty of rewards designed to enrich your experience and maximize your gains. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about our three-tiered reward system: Game Leaderboard, Soft-Staking, and Farming. From understanding the rules to boosting your chances of success, consider this your go-to resource for diving into a world of lucrative opportunities.

Game Leaderboard Explained

  • Play the game and accumulate your score, with a daily target in place to accommodate casual gamers while ensuring competitive opportunities. Your gaming activity is further amplified by a multiplier, determined by your score from the previous day. Here’s the overview of the gaming tiers:

  • Solo Leaderboard:

    • 1 level: 10k score, 100 points, 1,1x multiplier
    • 2 level: 20k score, 200 points, 1.2x multiplier
    • 3 level: 30k score, 300 points, 1,3x multiplier
    • 4 level: 40k score, 400 points, 1.4x multiplier
    • 5 level: 50k score, 500 points, 1.5x multiplier
  • Team Leaderboard:

    • 1 level: 100k score, 100 points, 1,1x multiplier
    • 2 level: 200k score, 200 points, 1.2x multiplier
    • 3 level: 300k score, 300 points, 1,3x multiplier
    • 4 level: 400k score, 400 points, 1.4x multiplier
    • 5 level: 500k score, 500 points, 1.5x multiplier
  • Hold $QORPO in your QORPO wallet to activate QORPO Power, granting you daily free points on the gaming leaderboard corresponding to your tier. Overall, you can earn 250 points for maxed out QORPO Power ranks (the total of 5); here’s the overview of how many points exactly you’ll earn for each rank you hit in the Solo Leaderboard:

    • 1. Rank: 50 points - 1-100 tokens
    • 2. Rank: 100 points - 101 - 1000 tokens
    • 3. Rank: 150 points - 1001 - 5,000 tokens
    • 4. Rank: 200 points - 5,001 - 20,000 tokens
    • 5. Rank: 250 points - 20,001 - more tokens

Here's the overview of the QORPO Power points you can earn in the Team Leaderboard:

  • 1. Rank: 5 points - 1-100 tokens

  • 2. Rank: 10 points - 101 - 1000 tokens

  • 3. Rank: 15 points - 1001 - 5,000 tokens

  • 4. Rank: 20 points - 5,001 - 20,000 tokens

  • 5. Rank: 25 points - 20,001 - more tokens

  • Hold Genesis NFT: by holding Genesis NFTs in your web3 wallet, earning you additional daily free points on the leaderboard corresponding to your tier. We'll launch the following NFT Power reward system:

    • 1 Genesis NFT: 1,1x
    • 2 Genesis NFTs: 1,2x
    • 3 Genesis NFTs: 1,3x
    • 4 Genesis NFTs: 1,4x
    • 5 Genesis NFTs: 1,5x
    • 6 Genesis NFTs: 1,6x
    • 7 Genesis NFTs: 1,7x
    • 8 Genesis NFTs: 1,8x
    • 9 Genesis NFTs: 1,9x
    • 10 Genesis NFTs: 2x

Work-In-Progress Improvements

  • We'll enable you to stake QORPO tokens directly from your Web3 wallet into a smart contract, while still receiving free points daily into the gaming leaderboard.

  • We are preparing the release of the AneeMate game with its own Leaderboard. AneeMate Genesis Zero will add points to AneeMate leaderboard, Citizen Zero will add points to Citizen Conflict leaderboard.

    Soft-Staking Rewards

    Soft-staking introduces a passive rewards system for our genesis NFT collections. To participate, simply hold these collections in your Web3 wallet. The longer you hold them, the more points you get. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to unlock achievements along the way.

    How much can you earn by soft-staking?

    Since the start of our soft-staking campaign, we have introduce overall 4 seasons of reward rounds - Airdrop Campaign, Season 1, Season 2, and Season 2025. In the following tables, you can see how much you can earn in each season, including previous, current and upcoming rounds. Throughout all season, we will distribute a total of 10,400,000 tokens in a soft-staking campaign.

    Work-in-progress improvements

  • We will add a QORPO Power boost for $QORPO holding in the same wallet as your Genesis collections.

  • We'll be rewarding holders based on their accumulated points in the latest season, leading to greater long-term rewards for these users holding all season.

  • We've received feedback suggesting that holding one asset in one wallet could potentially yield higher profits compared to consolidating assets in a single wallet. It's important to note that our soft-staking campaign operates as a long-term program.

WARNING: We have a strict policy against multi-account usage, and we've developed a tracking system to identify and deter such activities. Any abuse of this policy may result in a lifetime ban.

Soft-staking overview

Airdrop Campaign Season:

Here is the overview of the Airdrop Campaign reward pool distribution for Citizen Conflict’s Citizen Zero holders:


Here you can see the details of reward pool distribution for AneeMate’s Genesis Zero holders:


Season 1 & 2:


Season 2025:


Farming Rewards

The farming campaign comprises multiple tasks and quests you need to fulfill to gather points and emerge at the top of the farming leaderboard.In all farming campaign seasons, we will distribute a total of 5,870,500 tokens. The farming tasks are divided into three distinct parts:

  • Ecosystem Tasks: These tasks are conducted within the QORPO platform, including activities such as playing games and opening Loot Boxes. Additionally, we've integrated on-chain tasks to deter bot activity, prioritizing genuine user engagement. Ecosystem tasks are the most important part of the whole farming campaign. Maximum points without multiplier earned in QORPO ecosystem tasks totaled at 10,470 points, which equals 84.15% of all farming points.

Farming Spending / Rewards Parity

  • Spending on Tasks:
    • Roll the Dice - Roll 0.0033 BNB
    • Open any Loot Box - Mint + Open - 0.00462 BNB
    • Buy Epic Loot Box - Mint + Buy - 0.00332 BNB
    • Buy Rare Loot Box - Mint + Buy - 0.00232 BNB

  • Overall Spending - ~0.01356 BNB / Daily
  • Overall Spending - ~0.18 MATIC / Daily

You are not just doing quests and farming, you are unlocking special content in the games.

  • Social Tasks (expanded on Zealy): As an added dimension to our campaign, we've introduced social tasks. Zealy farming tasks are entirely free to participate in but offer a lower point yield compared to ecosystem tasks. QORPO and NFT Power multipliers do not apply for social tasks. These tasks serve as supplementary additions to our primary ecosystem tasks. Overall, you can earn a total of 1975 points in Zealy, which equals 15,85% of all farming points. On top, - we will add a special separate prize pool for Zealy questers.
  • Reward Multiplier: The multiplier aspect of our campaign is fueled by your QORPO and NFT Power. A snapshot is taken to determine eligibility for multipliers, randomly thourhgout the month. Holding both AneeMate Genesis Zero and Citizen Zero genesis NFTs unlocks a 2x multiplier. Additionally, holding QORPO tokens in your QORPO wallet can yield another 2x multiplier. The resulting total is 4x.
  • QORPO Power multipliers:

      1. Rank: 1-100 tokens - 1,2x
      1. Rank: 101 - 1000 tokens - 1,4x
      1. Rank: 1001 - 5,000 tokens - 1,6x
      1. Rank: 5,001 - 20,000 tokens - 1,8x
      1. Rank: 20,001 - more tokens - 2x
  • (Old) NFT Power multipliers:

      1. Rank: 1 Citizen Zero NFT + 1 AneeMate Genesis Zero NFT - 1,2x
      1. Rank: 2 Citizen Zero NFTs + 2 AneeMate Genesis Zero NFTs - 1,4x
      1. Rank: 3 NFTs Citizen Zero NFTs + 3 AneeMate Genesis Zero NFTs - 1,6x
      1. Rank: 4 NFTs Citizen Zero NFTs + 4 AneeMate Genesis Zero NFTs - 1,8x
      1. Rank: 5 NFTs Citizen Zero NFTs + 5 AneeMate Genesis Zero NFTs - 2x
  • (New) NFT Power multipliers:

    • 1 Genesis NFT: 1,1x
    • 2 Genesis NFTs: 1,2x
    • 3 Genesis NFTs: 1,3x
    • 4 Genesis NFTs: 1,4x
    • 5 Genesis NFTs: 1,5x
    • 6 Genesis NFTs: 1,6x
    • 7 Genesis NFTs: 1,7x
    • 8 Genesis NFTs: 1,8x
    • 9 Genesis NFTs: 1,9x
    • 10 Genesis NFTs: 2x

Upcoming Improvements

  • We're actively enhancing our leaderboard functionality to provide real-time display of users' QORPO and NFT Power.

  • We are working on a system basing the multiplier on the quantity of ANY of your genesis collections, without the condition of holding both at the same time.- - Zero and AneeMate Genesis Zero NFT collections. For instance, currently, to reach Tier 5, you need 5 Citizen Zero and 5 AneeMate Genesis Zero NFTs. With our updates, you'll only need to hold a total of 10 genesis NFTs from any collection to boost your multiplier.

    • 1 Genesis NFT: 1,1x
    • 2 Genesis NFTs: 1,2x
    • 3 Genesis NFTs: 1,3x
    • 4 Genesis NFTs: 1,4x
    • 5 Genesis NFTs: 1,5x
    • 6 Genesis NFTs: 1,6x
    • 7 Genesis NFTs: 1,7x
    • 8 Genesis NFTs: 1,8x
    • 9 Genesis NFTs: 1,9x
    • 10 Genesis NFTs: 2x
  • We're developing a smart contract for the QORPO Power feature. This will enable users to lock their tokens from web3 wallet to receive multipliers. Stay tuned for these exciting developments that will enhance your farming experience!

  • A snapshot for a QORPO and NFT Power will be happening randomly during a month.

  • We are adding Battle Passs tasks, which will add a multiplier for your Citizen Conflict game tasks to 1.2x .

DISCLAIMER: While we're actively working on improvements, none of them have been implemented yet. Our aim is to incorporate all of these enhancements for the upcoming farming season. Stay tuned for further updates as we strive to enhance your farming experience.

Farming Gains Overview

Airdrop Campaign Season:


Season 1 & 2:


Season 2025:



Blog By Pavel Soral

May 03, 2024, 5 min

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