Loaded Guns And Smoking Barrels: Shoot Your Way Through Ether Islands
Loaded Guns And Smoking Barrels: Shoot Your Way Through Ether Islands

Loaded Guns And Smoking Barrels: Shoot Your Way Through Ether Islands

Blog By Pavel Soral

Mar 10, 2023, 6 min

Along with the new heroes, a vast expansion of Ether Islands’ districts, and a variety of raging vehicles, the upcoming release of Citizen Conflict will honor players with the addition to the arsenal of deadly weapons. Every character can handle two weapons at once - a primary and a secondary, not to run out of the killing spree.


The endgame is to infest the Ether Islands with weapons above and beyond your imagination, from furious machine guns, heavy-hitting shotguns, cheeky pistols, and snipers to melee weapons. Our game designers are brimming over with somber creativity to fulfill the cyberpunk potential of Citizen Conflict. Let’s have a quick view of what to expect in the coming months.

Assault Guns

Take a look at these gems of a venator on the prowl. Gear up your hero with one of these and break through the bodies to reclaim your glory. Assault guns are symptomatic of high-paced action, battle-frenzy, and brave, albeit not seldom deranged deeds. The intensity of adrenaline-driven combat wouldn’t be the same without the furious rotation of machine guns, submachine guns, or even the ominous roar of long-range assault rifles.


Ether Islands’ OG Assault Rifle - “Alpha”

As the title itself suggests, “Alpha” is a go-to rifle of any fierce mercenary. This death-bringer is the OG of all disasters, misery, and ruined hopes - at least for those on the barrel side. Muscle up and feed 'em with heated metal, lest you get force-fed instead. Well, it’s feed or get fed dynamics on Ether Islands. Providing you’re still not quite fed up with your sorry life, grab “Alpha” and beat the beta-fuckers down.

“Alpha” is a perfect choice for the mad frontline freaks who drowned their sanity in pursuit of glory and loyalty to the team. This famed assault rifle is widespread across the whole island. If you never had a chance to add up to your body count with this ravenous bullet storm, as if you never were.

Big Fat Machinegun - “Fatboi”

Can you handle this heavy-weight fucker? You can bet this fatboi’s gonna wreak hard times on your rivals. Rumor has it that Tunkas wields this guy single-handed. However, you know the rumors - big mouth, cheap talk indeed. Fatboi’s morbidly obese shape inflicts the most common outcome of such diagnosis to daredevils fool enough to dare face his bloated barrel.

Unlike those overtly friendly ladies from New Vegas, Fatboi is a true spitter. Its gorge is constantly restless with spewing fiery particles, more commonly known as bullets. Less commonly known as the Outerlands’ Rain. Actually, that’s the only rain you can count on in the Outerlands. So gear up to wet the Outerlands’ torrid soil with the piss of terrified enemies.

Assault Rifle - “Oldie”

Your arsenal wouldn’t be complete without this signature terrorist staple. “Oldie” is the icon of lower districts and the epitaph of the high class. Are you pissed with your status quo? Grab “Oldie” and raid some posh cafés in The Shills. Are you up for running the extra mile? Break into the unsuspecting neighborhood of sickly rich Metahills fuckers and adorn their gardens with metal-stuffed puppies.

“Oldie” won’t let you down. “Oldie” will help you put ‘em down. Its long-range shots reach beyond your shadows while putting your foes in the land of shadows. Just like “Alpha”, “Oldie” enjoys vast popularity throughout the entire world of Ether Islands. Every rugged kid dreams of mastering “Oldie’ when they grow up. Just like their daddy did. Before he got shot.

Submachine Gun - “Buzzkill’

This agile bastard calls for nimble fingers. Sometimes, it’s more like a pure buzz, other times just an fucking killjoy. Depending on which side of the gun is yours. Regardless, releasing your frustration via this dexterous submachine gun is fun. The screams of the foes are the smoothest cacophony to please the ears of Ether Islands’ psychopaths.

Some foul mouths say that this relentless submachine gun isn’t notorious for killing the buzz but for adding a buzz to killing. But don’t mind me - just another baseless hearsay, you know? Buzzkill is a toy of choice for so many sadistic lunatics it simply has to end up strapped over your shoulder too.


Heavy, deadly, and fucking loaded. Citizen Conflict brings shotguns to rock your world. These lovely guys are so iconic in lower districts. Can you see that picture in your head? I do. Black armored car, a bunch of sickly lunatics, and a metallic tinge of crime-driven tastes. Shotguns indeed satiate the urge to bang hard, moreover, when the idiots around have none. For some, the rumble of smoking shotguns is the happy place.



This heavy-hitter comes blunt and bold, ready to shoot through the toughest armor. “Hammer” is a bulky fella ready to stonk your body count instantly. They call it “Hammer” for a reason. It nails them down so smoothly and juicy. Its immaculate aim grants you the death warranty, universal like QORPO ID. Well, and it looks so damn good.

Oftentimes, they call it “grunge”. It sounds like… grunge. And it puts things to an end fast. Like grunge. But unlike grunge, “Hammer” wasn’t meant to be an ephemeral fad, blessing its trendsetter with a gutted skull. And it sells like cheap spirit.

“Lupara 2.0”

Short and stealthy, bold and deadly. Just like its obsolete template, Lupara 2.0 rules the streets and serves the gangs. Which club are you going to raid first? With Lupara 2.0, it’s so easy to hide in shadows. Or defend your speakeasy biz? Well, Lupara 2.0 is so (in)famous among the Midnight Syndicate gangsters. Every bartender in New Vegas has some beneath the counter. That’s why they also call it “Counter-Strike”.

Lupara 2.0 is a safe bet when looking for a handy but uncompromising gun to protect your family. Or protect someone from having a family. This fancy shotgun is indeed highly popular with all ages, social or intellectual categories, genders, and religions. The bullet in the head, in fact, is the least biased and discriminating embellishment. A fashionable evergreen. Right?

Sniper Rifles

Long-range and ominous. Snipers are the cornerstone of every team’s tactics. Let us introduce you to the treachery of their long-distance kills. What’s a more splendid feeling than camping unnoticed? Your only concern’s a full bladder, while others’ concerns are being immediately blown away for good. Sound fair. Snipers have that spectacular quality of being simultaneously loved and despised. Please, make sure not to be the latter.


Hunting Sniper - “Lone Wolf’

A toy of choice for every manhunter, trafficker, or smuggler. Lone hunters who wait for the right time to strike deem this symptomatic gun their second pair of hands. Some believe that lone wolves are losers excluded from the pack. Who gives a fuck? “Lone Wolf” is carefully designed to exclude from the pack itself.

Cyberpunk Sniper - “K.E.W. 77”

This epidemic death monger is the latest invention of hackhunters' labs. It’s a futuristic bridge between tomorrow and the far future. Well, those geeky psychos know their shit well. To meet the demands of the power-starved rebels from New Pressburg, the best Hackhunters’ inventors teamed up to bring the menace to life. “K.E.W. 77” is indeed an experimental big-dick showoff with an attitude.


Handy and goodie. All the kids of Whaleland have some. Check out the toys they play with on Ether Islands. These pistols will wreak tons of chaos in Citizen Conflict Alpha 2.0. So don’t hesitate and put yours under your pillow since the decadent elements of Ether Islands are restless and fidgety. Most commonly, they come out at night.


Beretta - “D-Nine”

A handful of bullets and a fistful of spite. This basic bitch makes humans transcend their material forms. Cheap but deadly, D-Nine is highly favored in D9. Some Vapoerwaves kids call D-Nine Jessica, just like that basic, indifferent hooker, they banged the other night. Yet still, I would advise you against putting things into D-Nine’s muzzle. It might get your member burned badly. Just stack up a good portion of D-Nines to have one anytime at your disposal lest you want to get disposed of life.

Futuristic “Rockstar”

This vixen brings a silver touch to futuristic designs. Only true rockstars can handle its cool. Rockstar is the latest fashion in the Nyan Garden black market. Seemingly, the Asian settlers gave up on K-Pop & J-Pop when there was no market to sell it. Instead, they released the rockstar to reminisce the cyberpunk memories and season the western market with bullets rather than tunes.

Flesh-starved Specials - Grenade Launchers

The rumbling of bombs resounds from afar. When these grande launchers break loose, there’s a fucking noise and tumult everywhere. Then most get silenced right afterward, though. The echoes of imminent doom is the last thing your dumbfounded foes would remembers. Were they only capable of such an elaborate perception. Well, no one has a face-to-face the grenades, they say.



Not gonna lie. You probably won’t be best friends with this buddy. Yet still, you can prank your friends in Citizen Conflict with its deadly, fire-spewing gorge. “Prankster” is widely known for being one of those shrewd brutes. Despite its point-black design, this heavy grenade launcher always has a trick or two up its barrel.


Another hot-tempered bully. Feast on your enemies' sore defeat with the grenades banging to the tune of your victory. Were “Fiend” a human, it would be that miserable misfit, unlikely to utter a single word. Yet still, the noises it makes give PTSD to the deaf. Seize the day and live up to the occasion. "Fiend" might open a whole new horizon of opportunities, given you know your way with heavy bangs.

Shoot your way through Alpha 2.0

As you might know by this time, Citizen Conflict Alpha 2.0 is going to land rough as napalm in Q2 2023. That means you still have some time to make sure you will be part of that. Just roll up your sleeves and get whitelisted. So simple.

Just sign up for QORPO ID, and besides handfuls of rewards, you’ll significantly raise your chances to make it to the next round of Citizen Conflict alpha testing. We’ll bring new characters, environments, and equipment, as well as the first competitive tournaments and prizes. Get you VIP Alpha Pass now.

See you on the battlefield!


Blog By Pavel Soral

Mar 10, 2023, 6 min

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