TOWNHALL RECAP NO.8: Bridging Web2 and Web3 in Gaming
TOWNHALL RECAP NO.8: Bridging Web2 and Web3 in Gaming

TOWNHALL RECAP NO.8: Bridging Web2 and Web3 in Gaming

Blog By Aneta Bachrata

Aug 11, 2024, 7mins

Last week's Town Hall discussion provided an in-depth look into the strategy plan to combine Web2 and Web3 gaming and to deliver a unique user experience.

*With a strong emphasis on quality and long-term growth, QORPO is gearing up to release exciting titles like Aneemate and Citizen Conflict which will bring much-needed game fun. Let's delve into the key highlights and insights from this comprehensive discussion.

Live Roadmap and Studio Model

QORPO’s live roadmap showcases its commitment to transparency and ongoing development allowing community members access to the Notion Roadmap to understand what the progression in development is, what was recently launched and what is coming.

You can check out the Notion Here: ( and monitor our ongoing projects, upcoming features, and overall progress to get a clear and up-to-date view of what we are working on and what's coming next in QORPO World.

Also, the unique studio model supports multiple games under one cohesive ecosystem, providing players with a variety of high-quality gaming experiences. This model fosters community loyalty and engagement, setting QORPO apart from competitors who chase fleeting trends.

Focus on Quality and Longevity

QORPO will be prioritising high-quality gaming experiences over temporary trends so we can be positioned for sustainable success.

This dedication to Quality and longevity over quick and instant development ensures that players remain engaged and continue to enjoy the reliable and valuable investment they have in the QORPO ecosystem — this is crucial in a volatile gaming market.

QORPO’s Innovative Gaming Ecosystem

QORPO will merge Web2 and Web3 gaming innovations for a unique user experience, focusing on quality and long-term growth with upcoming titles like Aneemate and Citizen Conflict. This will ensure both games appeal to a broad range of gamers.

You can get your Aneemate Genesis Zero Here: and also add Aneemate to your Wishlist on Epic Games Here: . This dual approach enhances the user experience and maximises market reach, creating a robust and inclusive gaming ecosystem.

Dual Focus Strategy

By engaging both Web2 and Web3 gamers, QORPO enhances its appeal and market potential. This strategy ensures a diverse user base and fosters a more inclusive gaming community.

Ecosystem Approach

Offering multiple games under one brand builds a cohesive gaming ecosystem. This approach prioritises quality gameplay and fosters a loyal community, enhancing overall user satisfaction and engagement.

Quality Over Trends

QORPO’s commitment to creating high-quality games rather than following fleeting trends ensures long-term user retention and sustainable success. This focus on quality positions QORPO as a leader in the gaming industry.

Long-Term Value

Focusing on creating lasting value ensures that users view QORPO as a solid investment. This approach is crucial in the volatile gaming market, providing stability and reassurance to investors.

Mobile Gaming Expansion

QORPO is considering expanding into the mobile gaming sector, opening new opportunities for growth and capturing a vast audience of traditional gamers. This potential expansion could significantly broaden QORPO’s market reach.

Market Resilience

The stability of gaming coins compared to meme coins highlights the strength of projects built on solid fundamentals. QORPO’s resilience amid market fluctuations reassures investors and underscores the importance of strategic planning and long-term vision.

Strategic Patience

Encouraging users to remain calm during market dips emphasises the importance of long-term vision over short-term reactions. This strategic patience fosters community trust and ensures a stable and loyal user base.

Looking Ahead

As QORPO continues to innovate and expand its gaming ecosystem, excitement builds for upcoming titles and potential mobile expansion. With a focus on quality, long-term value, and strategic patience, QORPO is well-positioned to lead the gaming industry into a new era of integrated Web2 and Web3 experiences.

Stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments as QORPO continues to push the boundaries of gaming innovation.


Blog By Aneta Bachrata

Aug 11, 2024, 7mins

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