The Order: The Rulers Of Arcadya
The Order: The Rulers Of Arcadya

The Order: The Rulers Of Arcadya

Blog By Pavel Soral

Feb 10, 2023, 5 min

The éminence grise of Ether Islands hides behind the veil of propaganda. The Order feels invisible, yet so present…

Ether Islands experienced a reign of fear and blood shortly after the island's first settlers arrived in the new land. To draw in as many individuals as possible, The Order was busy creating propaganda. Many were drawn in by the alluring prospect of living without rules or the vertically organized government so typical of the old world. The Island, which was now carefully hidden from maps, got swamped with unrest, raging gangs, new-found nobility, and increasing poverty. And every such emerging system plagued with chaos and tumult calls for someone to put things in order.


The Propaganda Gave Way To Tyranny

The new year’s eve of 2101 brought more than many would hope for. Society is approaching its demise, and the imminence of collapse is palpable. The climate crisis robbed many species of mere existence while threatening the rest to perish. Yet still, the environmental disasters were not the only nuisance troubling the sinking ship of humanity. AI advanced so rapidly that the entire concept of humans approached the state of complete obsolescence.

Thus, the governments had to face the inevitable. All the ruling powers united as a single global government under the flag of Terra, tightening the grip of regulatory tendencies. Some joined willingly, others just agreed. There was no point in resisting the new rule. The development of artificial intelligence got prohibited. Efforts to connect AI with humans followed shortly. The climate crisis got drowned in the blood of those who refused to follow new ecological measures.


That was the point when the elites articulated their deep concern with the way the world goes. None of the ruling forces felt comfortable conforming to the new regime, so stagnant and backwardly for their liking. Thus, the lobbyists of the old-world elites stroke a deal with the Terra government. They will give them an autonomous piece of land where they can live their posh lives by their own rules. Hence, Ether Islands saw its sunrise as the elites organized into The Order. Soon enough, The Order commenced weaving the mischievous web of propaganda and lies, just to lure as much workforce on Ether Islands as possible.

From Arcadya Their Reign Over The Ether Islands

District 1, Arcadya, is a tiny isle stretching northeast of the Ether Islands. Most islanders don’t even believe that Arcadya, the pinnacle of the new world, even exists. Most deem this secluded home of The Order mere fable. A fiction crafted just to give the poor a false hope of better days.


But only a few know that this shrine of the most luxurious delights is the home of the elite rulers of the Ether Islands. Even the highest-standing members of the syndicates tend to forget who lends them power and control. Yet still, even the greatest of them all should stay alert. Rumor has it that some stubborn truth-seekers, not seldom looked down upon as conspiracy theorists, are already connecting the dots. And as the days go by, the most courageous islanders are quite close to peeking behind the curtain.


Blog By Pavel Soral

Feb 10, 2023, 5 min

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