QORPO Insights: Meet our Business Development Specialist, Kristián Šooš
QORPO Insights: Meet our Business Development Specialist, Kristián Šooš

QORPO Insights: Meet our Business Development Specialist, Kristián Šooš

Blog By Pavel Soral

May 11, 2023, 5 min

Meet our esteemed Business Development Specialist, Ing. Kristián Šooš, who embarked on his career in the field of business growth management by co-founding a thriving family start-up. Displaying remarkable leadership skills, he not only completed his university degree with distinction but also steered his family business towards success. Since joining our team at QORPO Game Studio nearly a year ago, Kristián has made significant and invaluable contributions to our company across numerous facets.


His entrepreneurial journey began with the establishment of a family start-up, where his visionary leadership guided the company through its early stages. Fueled by his passion for business growth management, he skillfully combined his academic knowledge with real-world experience, ensuring the start-up flourished thanks to his commitment. Kristián has been successfully forging partnerships and nurturing key business relationships at QORPO Game Studio, and we hope that we are yet to witness his most significat achievements.

Hi, Kristián, what led you to QORPO Game Studio?

I studied Management of International Trade at the University of Economy in Bratislava. I have always been deeply interested in how businesses work, how to build sustainable business partnerships and grow companies to fulfill their market potential. My passion for business successfully led me through my studies, as I graduated with honors and was acknowledged as the top-performing student. My background also helped me to achieve these results since I have been running a family business with my brother, so I had a chance to acquire hands-on experience quite early in my career.

It’s so nice to hear that you’re thriving at what makes you professionally content. What did your career look like after you finished your studies?

I took a short break to load off after my studies. I enjoyed my summer break before I started to send out applications to several companies that piqued my interest. Funnily, I had already arranged an agreement with one company; I was expected to start soon when my brother, Sebastián, approached me with a request to consider boarding on QORPO.

It seems you accepted the offer. What persuaded you to decide in favor of QORPO?

Since 2018 I have been fascinated by crypto. Let’s call it an intriguing interest rather than an instant investment opportunity. Although I’m a holder in several crypto projects, I have been much less interested in trading. Yet still, the world of crypto has been keeping my attention fully attached. Hence, as soon as I got an opportunity to kick off my career at a blockchain-development company, I was in.

As a business development professional, what were your starts at QORPO like?

When I joined in September, we still had quite a long run before introducing Citizen Conflict to the public. Thus, most of my tasks revolved around raising awareness of the market and preparing suitable conditions for the game launch. More specifically, I was introduced to managing strategic partnerships with our media partner, NFT World News (nftworldnews.tech), a news media portal focused on all things crypto, blockchain, and GameFi.

I’m proud that since my involvement in NFT World News, overall website traffic increased by 5x in half a year, and the PR publishing requests rose exponentially. We were also able to draw new contributors and staff writers who palpably enhanced the quality of the published content.


How did you achieve such impressive results?

The most challenging aspect of bringing a crypto-related website to life is fighting with an oversaturated market. It’s nearly impossible to compete with mammoths such as AMB Crypto or Cointelegraph. Fortunately, we were able to come up with a suitable solution. As primarily a game studio, it made sense to center the content around games. That’s why we reinvented the position of NFT World News and made it blockchain games' news publisher. We found the right niche and embraced it.

As of today, I’m confident that NFT World News has become one of the top crypto games publishers out there.

With Citizen Conflict already in Alpha release, what challenges did you face prior to the game launch?

Lots of meetings. That time was incredibly hectic for the whole company. For me, that time got me fully immersed in building strategic partnerships, working with content creators and game reviewers, and building a network of gaming guilds and teams to bring as many players to the game as possible once the Citizen Conflict is live.

It might look as not so big deal, but the coordination of all the ongoing projects was quite painful. Luckily, we can say now that we have a strong network of partners across the entire gaming world. We have partnered with major gaming guilds, Citizen Conflict got listed to the pioneering web3 launchpads and gaming platforms, and we attracted the attention of the most prominent blockchain games publishers, such as Polkastarter, BSC, or Balthazar DAO, among many others.



I’m also aware of your involvement in QORPO Market growth. What was it like to build the NFT marketplace focused on games?

With QORPO Market, we embraced the same attitude as with NFT World News. We have launched an ambitious product in a hyper-competitive business environment. To succeed, we had to find the right niche and build partnerships that made sense within our field of expertise - games.


From a practical point of view, I had to go through extensive market research and countless meetings. Essentially, my job was to find as many worthwhile games as possible for the QORPO Market listing, strike the deal, and, thus, support the growth of the entire platform.

I see that your days are busy. What has kept you up at night recently?

Right now, we are ahead of the first-ever esports tournaments. This is not only a big deal for us, as a game developers, but I daresay that for the whole gaming industry since nothing like this has ever been accomplished on the blockchain.

However, the whole effort is overwhelmingly stressful and demanding. We are hosting three types of tournaments at once, involving the community, influencers, and content creators, as well as web3 gaming guilds and esports teams. Making this work is naturally a huge task and a stress test for all. The silver lining is that we already have several stellar names onboard, with many more to come soon.


What are your future plans at QORPO Game Studio?

At this moment, I’m rather focused on short-term achievements, the biggest of which is the organization of the upcoming tournaments. We will see what challenges the future holds once we are done with this tournament's madness.

What are you into in your leisure time?

Besides the world of finance and investing, I’m also highly interested in staying up to date with what’s going on in the world around. I’m also trying to keep myself in shape, working out, and staying healthy. One of my hobbies is also discovering interesting crypto projects.

Thank you for the interview!

No problem.

Ready to compete in the tournemant? We are excited to launch Citizen Conflict Alpha 2.0 with the prize pool tournaments accessible for all! Are you ready to take on the challenge? Starting soon, we are launching the first rounds of esports tournaments with an overall prize pool of $10,000! Get your Alpha Key on the Discord server - just ask us and we will get you one for free - and make sure to have your QORPO ID account ready.


Blog By Pavel Soral

May 11, 2023, 5 min

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