Citizen Conflict Alpha 2.0 Heroes Revealed!
Citizen Conflict Alpha 2.0 Heroes Revealed!

Citizen Conflict Alpha 2.0 Heroes Revealed!

Blog By Pavel Soral

Mar 17, 2023, 7 min

The upcoming release of Citizen Conflict is approaching fast. In Q2, we will be able to shoot each other in style. Let’s get to know the heroes you can play. We finally reveal all of the Alpha 2.0 characters.

You’ll be able to revisit the somber and lonely story of Tunkas or the Zodiac’s tale of revenge. Our developers also finished the final touches on some of the other heroes. In Alpha 2.0, you can live the double life of Thunder, lead Sakura through her downfall and back, or embrace Min Hae’s healing powers.

Tunkas - Lone Hunter, A Southern Hell Instigator

Ability: Dash - dashes character in a direction that he is facing

Class: Assault

Syndicate: Korpo


Tunkas had always been a solitary figure, preferring the company of his own thoughts and the quiet of the wilderness to the noise and bustle of human society. He had honed his skills as a hunter and tracker, living off the land and taking only what he needed to survive. The memories of the brutal attack on his family when he was a young boy still haunted him, but he had learned to channel his anger and pain into his hunting.

But the Big Drought changed everything. The scorching heat had baked the land, killing off the animals and plants that Tunkas relied on for sustenance. He had no choice but to venture into the city, a place he had always avoided. The noise and chaos assaulted his senses, but he kept his head down and stayed focused on his mission - to find food and water to survive.

It was in the city that Tunkas discovered a new skill - the art of negotiation. He had always been a man of few words, but when he saw the desperation in the eyes of the city dwellers, he knew he had something they needed. His skill with the bow and arrow was in high demand, and he began to sell his kills to the highest bidder.

As Tunkas made his way through the city, he began to notice something else - the people. He had always assumed that humans were cruel and selfish, but as he watched them scurry about their lives, he saw something else - resilience. Despite the drought and the hardships it had brought, people still found ways to laugh and love, to connect with one another.

Tunkas began to feel a strange pull towards these people, a sense of belonging he had never known before. He still kept to himself for the most part, but he found himself striking up conversations with the people he met, sharing stories of his life in the wilderness and listening to their tales of survival in the city.

As the drought dragged on, Tunkas continued to hunt and trade his kills, but he also began to volunteer his time helping out at the local shelters and community centers. He taught the children how to shoot a bow and arrow, and he helped the elders tend to their gardens, sharing his knowledge of the land and its creatures.

Years passed, and the drought eventually lifted, but Tunkas stayed on in the city. He had found a new purpose in life, one that went beyond his solitary existence in the wilderness. He had found a connection to his fellow humans, one that had been missing for so long. And in that connection, he had found something he had never thought possible - hope.

Zodiac - Vengeance-Seeking Cyborg

Ability: JetPack - Jets on his back allows him to fly for a short time duration.

Class: Specialist

Syndicate: Hackhunters


After the last alpha test, Zodiac has become a sort of fan favorite. Despite all the despicable hardships and vengeful inklings, Zodiac got crowned as the Alpha King in the Alpha Wars competition and was officially considered OP in our Twitter poll. Is this desensitized cyborg going to sustain his position in the lead? Alpha 2.0 is approaching faster and harder than the freight train. Soon you’ll have ample room for pushing the limits of this remorseless shell of a cyber-hyped body. How did Zodiac make it from Outerlands’ grind to the glory of Metropolit City arena? His path is a story of pain and spite.

Zodiac started out as a poor kid born to the working class in Outerlands. His life was tied to drudgery in the oil refinery. Still, his weak and fragile body was never meant to endure the torture of endless hours spent with physically devastating labor in a toxic environment. Soon, his mental and physical state got so deteriorated he was no longer able to work at all. With bad respiratory issues and chronic inflammations, he got dumped out to the filthy streets of Outerlands ghetto. Zodiac’s fate seemed sealed for slow and tormenting demise.

Only the cruel claws of unforgiving fate had different intentions with Zodiac’s future. Its insatiable hunger for abhorrent stories saw a bit too big potential in Zodiac to let him snuff out in the life-draining heat of the southern sun. Fate, in its most despicable twisted sense of shaping reality, sent The Doctor Zodiac’s way.

Eugene ‘The Doctor’ Brooks has a habit of undertaking occasional voyages to the heart of the most desolate lands of Ether Islands. In fact, those are the only times he leaves the dark insides of his underground labs. Only to take a stroll around and see whether there’s some extra material to practice his experiments on. Needless to say, this time, he was lucky. After the exhausting journey through Outerlands, Eugene Brooks found what he was looking for.

Zodiac was curled up, painfully hugging his battered knees. He was barely breathing. Death was circling his waning body as The Doctor stepped in to get better of death. Zodiac didn’t resist when The Doctor claimed him and escorted him to the sickening embrace of South Moon. His path of revenge and brutality was all about to begin.

Zodiac came suddenly back to consciousness. The darkened room snapped into the sickening light of flickering neons. He knew what was about to happen. After some months locked up in the South Moon underground, he knows the drill well - unfortunately, not only metaphorically.

His limbs were tied to the table as the knives and welding machines bit hungrily into what was left of his human flesh. Zodiac screeched in excruciating pain but didn’t fight back. In the labs - or torture chambers? - all resistance was futile, crying for help pointless. Only the haunting darkness of the tunnels was there to wreath his agonized senses and conform him in its own way.

The darkness of the South Moon underground wasn’t just the mere absence of light. This darkness was something substantial and present, something gifted with primeval consciousness and ill will. When they were done with Zodiac, the darkness sneaked into his room again. He was already well-acquainted with the ways of her visits. She always crept unnoticed and grew on him slowly and longingly like a yearning lover granting him solace in his revolting destitution. Zodiac beckoned her in as she rested her presence against his chest. Then she whispered, void of words but plentiful of menace.

Everything was so silent and calm. Ominously silent and irritatingly calm. Zodiac tried to play around with cords and connections built into the remains of his human body. It always hurt, and it never worked. Once a cyborg, always a cyborg.

He knew, they told him. He feared. Now he feared not. As they said, all the prep work on him was done. Now it is time to see The Doctor. As soon as he recovers, his grotesque transition will be sealed. He saw them leave The Doctor’s chambers - all those malformed, gruesome monsters… He will never end up like that.

Now in his teched-up cyborg body, he daringly approached the locked door of his dim cell.

The door was locked.

The door was locked no more.

The door was no more.

Zodiac found himself in an anxiously long and dark corridor, but with no hesitation, he ran. He was surprised at how easily he could run, unlike in his past life when he needed to catch his breath. As he ran, alarms went off, and guards began chasing him, but he didn't care and continued to run faster than any human.

Even when the guards shot at him, the bullets bounced off his robotic body. When he reached another corridor, he beat up more guards and took their guns, allowing him to escape from the South Moon underground. Breathing in the toxic air, he felt powerful as a cyborg and was determined to make the Korpo syndicate pay for turning him into a machine. They had paid Hackhunters to supply cyborgs, and now Zodiac was on his way to Metropolit to seek revenge.

And then, the lurking silence spoke to him. Its voice was cold, its message freezing. Zodiac knew. Why would he ever give up on his super body? Why would he ever turn down being superhuman? He tried to move, and every movement appeared to be so simple. He threw himself to the ground and started to do pushups. No pain nor exhaustion. Unlike imperfect humans of the flesh, his technically modified nature made everything so easy.

Zodiac rushed out upon the solid ground, stretching under the smoke-shrouded skies. He breathed in the poisonous air, but it didn’t stink anymore. Sometimes, being a fucking pile of corded hardware feels so splendid. And now it’s time to make those who scratched the human skin off of him pay. Korpo Syndicate it is. They pay Hackhunters to supply cyborgs. And thus, Zodiac stepped forth toward Metropolit City.

The Babylonian highs of its towers enchanted him beyond measure. The omnipresent rush and haste of the Ether Islands’ business hub was a tantalizing cacophony to his robotic ears. But his heart didn’t respond. Zodiac is utterly desensitized and dull. He’s only set out to conquer the Arena and rob Korpo Syndicate of all the money he can.

Before too long, the occasion appeared on a whim. As if fate itself wished to gift Zodiac with a chance to make Korpo Syndicate bankrupt. Zodiac rose in Arena rank quickly, he was pacing fast, leaving his opponents in puddles of blood. And now, a feared and yet unrivaled contender, Smiler dared face him. Well, Korpo Syndicate magnates, having profound faith in Smiler’s victory, betted a better deal of their annual revenue on him. Zodiac sensed a once-in-a-lifetime chance to make those bastards pay.

The arena was boiling in the heat of expectations. Zodiac was ready to plunge at Smiler…

…he did. Smiler’s masterful moves couldn’t harm Zodiac’s robotic body. On the other hand, Zodiac’s grip could crack Smiler’s bones relentlessly. After a couple of minutes, Zodiac leaves Smiler as a pile of brutalized flesh. His vengeance was sealed.

Min Hae - Solace of the weak

Ability: Re-cover - Places shield from her back on the ground. The shield unfolds and protects you from incoming projectiles.

Class: Medic

Syndicate: Midnight


Min Hae had always felt a deep connection to the ocean bay. It was a place where she could lose herself in the hustle and bustle of the streets, where the colors and lights seemed to dance in perfect harmony. Growing up in the lower districts, she had seen her fair share of hardship and despair. But even in the darkest of times, Min had found hope in the broken tech-ware that littered the streets.

As a child, she would collect discarded gadgets and toys, fascinated by the intricate mechanisms that powered them. With time and patience, she became quite skilled at reassembling them, often creating something entirely new in the process. It was a hobby that brought her great joy, a way to escape the harsh realities of life on the streets.

But it wasn't just broken tech-ware that captured Min's attention. She had a deep compassion for the animals that roamed the streets, often going out of her way to help those that were injured or sick. She would tend to their wounds, nursing them back to health with a gentle touch and a kind heart.

As Min grew older, her passion for healing only intensified. She realized that she wanted to make a real difference in the world, to help those in need on a larger scale. And so, she dedicated her life to studying medicine, pouring every ounce of her being into becoming the best doctor she could be.

It wasn't long before word of Min's skills began to spread throughout the lower districts. When a gang war erupted, leaving countless cyborgs and humans maimed and wounded, someone remembered Min and her love for fixing "things." And so, she found herself in a new kind of heaven, surrounded by broken machines and injured bodies in need of repair.

For Min, there was no greater calling than to heal those in need, to use her skills to make the world a better place. But as her reputation grew, questions began to arise about who had paid for her education and whether or not it was worth it.

Min knew the truth, of course. She had worked hard and sacrificed much to get where she was today. But the whispers and rumors followed her wherever she went, casting a shadow over her otherwise bright and hopeful spirit.

Despite the doubts and uncertainties that plagued her, Min never wavered in her commitment to healing. Whether it was a broken machine or a wounded human, she poured her heart and soul into every repair, giving hope to those who had none.

In the end, it was Min's compassion and dedication that defined her, not the darkness that sought to smother her light. For those who knew her, she was a hero, a shining example of what it meant to be truly selfless. And for Min herself, there was no greater reward than the knowledge that she had made a difference, one repair at a time.


Ability: Camouflage - Makes your character invisible for a few seconds.

Class: Specialist

Syndicate: Korpo


Sakura had everything she could ever want. She was born into a life of luxury in the pristine, high-tech district of Metahills. Her parents were wealthy and powerful, and Sakura had become the most followed influencer on social media. She had everything - designer clothes, hyper-cool body enhancements, and a following of millions who hung on her every word.

But despite her glamorous lifestyle, Sakura was bored. She craved excitement and adventure, something to make her heart race and her adrenaline pump. So she decided to take a trip to the Metropolit City, hoping to find something new and exciting to share with her followers.

But what Sakura didn't realize was that the Hackhunters syndicate had their sights set on her. They saw her hyper-cool body enhancements as a perfect opportunity for experimentation and innovation. So they captured her and tore her apart, stripping her of everything that made her who she was.

It was Vigo who found Sakura, lying broken and battered in the toxic sewers of the South Moon. Her influential parents had hired him to rescue her and bring her back home. Vigo was a skilled cybernetic surgeon, and he knew that he could rebuild Sakura, giving her a new lease on life.

And so, Sakura was brought back from the brink of death, her body completely rebuilt with state-of-the-art combat enhancements. But the experience had changed her, and she was no longer interested in the glitz and grime of social media. Instead, she wanted to use her new abilities to seek revenge on the Hackhunters syndicate, who had taken everything from her.

Sakura trained relentlessly, honing her combat skills and mastering her new body. She became a force to be reckoned with, a one-woman army with a singular mission - to take down the Hackhunters and anyone else who dared to cross her.

For Sakura, there was no going back to her old life. She had been reborn in fire, and she was determined to make her mark on the world. And as she set out on her mission of revenge, she knew that she would never be the same again.


Ability: Thunderbolt Grenade - Throws an electric flash grenade that, on impact, flashes enemies with lightning bolts for a short duration, and it separates into 3 pieces that explode once more, dealing some additional damage in a small area.

Class: Support

Syndicate: Korpo


Evan 'Thunder' Dahl had always been a man of two faces. On the surface, he was a successful robotics engineer, working for one of the most prominent corporations in The Metropolit. He lived in a luxurious condo, drove fancy cars, and even owned a boat. But beneath the facade of a model citizen, Evan had a darker side, one that he kept hidden from the world.

At night, Thunder would shed his polite demeanor and slip into the shadows of the city. He was a thrill-seeker, addicted to danger and chaos. He would prowl the most dangerous districts of The Metropolit, mingling with outlaws, cyborgs, and other unsavory characters. He lived for the rush of adrenaline, the thrill of the unknown.

One night, Thunder met Delta, a fellow thrill-seeker who shared his passion for danger and excitement. They quickly became partners in crime, taking on the dark underbelly of the city together. Thunder and Delta were a force to be reckoned with, fearless and unstoppable as they roamed the streets of The Metropolit.

But with great power comes great danger. Thunder's reckless lifestyle was catching up with him, and he knew that it was only a matter of time before he got caught. His employer, Korpo Robotics, was starting to get suspicious of his late-night activities, and there were rumors that the police were closing in.

For Thunder, the end was coming, and he knew it. But he was determined to go out with a bang, to live every moment to the fullest before his time was up. He and Delta continued to rule the night, enjoying wild, uninhibited sex and indulging in their most dangerous fantasies.

And when the end finally came, Thunder met it with a smile on his face, knowing that he had lived a life full of excitement and adventure. He may have been a proper citizen by day, but at night, he was Thunder, a force of nature in the dark, industrial cyber dreams of The Metropolit City.


Blog By Pavel Soral

Mar 17, 2023, 7 min

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